What Do You REALLY Want? Flipping NFT's With A Goal

Flipping NFT's without a goal in mind makes it hard for you to know when you have achieved what you've set your mind to. Flipping these projects without a goal means you won't take profits and possibly regret decisions.

This video isn't about the next 100x project. It isn't about what tool to use to find the next bluechip project. This video is about setting goals so you can achieve something that you want.

We are all bullish on NFT's and Web3, but paying off the student loan, living debt free or getting your first home is exciting and these life accomplishments will stay with you even if the market (which is highly speculative) goes to 0.

These are my thoughts on setting those goals.

#nfts #nfttips

Recommended Reading >> bit.ly/32kRpzw
