Why Follower INTENT Is More Important Than SIZE or Engagement.

Celebrity or influencer NFT projects are becoming more and more popular which leads to a sense of confusion with those looking to buy into the project. A large following on the project twitter & discord seem like green flags but these can actually not be the case. If the core audience doesn't understand NFT's, if they don't know how to mint them, then it will be hard for the project to sell out.

A celebrity has a following because they do something that their followers like and engage with, be that music or business acumen. When these people try to release and NFT, newcomers see the size of the discord or twitter following and assume it will sell out, but the audience will blindly like and follow that persons project with little to no intent to actually purchase.

This isn't the case for every project, but it's a pattern I'm seeing more of. Large followings not converting to the sales success that people assume will follow, and it comes down to the audiences core intent in following the celebrity or influencer.

This isn't mean't to be a hard rule, but a idea to add to your thought process when developing your research plan. An idea and thought that could ensure you make better decisions when it comes down to investing in NFT projects.

Want to support the created a collection of ten 1/1 NFT’s called Nate’s OG’s. These 10 are handmade “frankensteined” images taking some of the bluechips NFT’s and favourites of mine.

Each NFT has a secret code, this will allow the buyer to have some 1 on 1 time with me. I can teach you how to use some tools, or we can just vibe about NFT’s in general.

This collection will also be the “genesis” collection. Holders getting a free mint pass to any future projects that I’m a part of.

You should only buy the NFT if you’ve received value from the content I've made.

Tool My Disclosure

This is not financial advice, please do your own research before investing in the NFT space.

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Twitter: @NFTNate_

TikTok: NFT_Nate

#nfts #nfttips

Recommended Reading >> bit.ly/32kRpzw
