Looking Back On 2021 - The Year That Changed My Life

2021 was such an exciting year! Crypto made its bullish return to the world, NFTs became the talk of the town, Axie Infinity blew up so quickly it lit the servers on fire! Oh, and I became NFT Guru! There is so much to look back on and talk about, I couldn't possibly fit it all into one video!

I'll focus more on myself, Axie Infinity, MTTM, and P2E gaming in this video, but I bring up a lot of my experiences being an early adopter of Axie, as well as the lessons I've learned becoming a leading figure in the play to earn space. Hope you all enjoy this nostalgic trip with me while I look back on 2021!

If you haven't yet, be sure to follow me on Twitter & Twitch;

- #NFTgaming​ #Crypto​ #Gaming

Going to be uploading tons of daily content so make sure to subscribe and check me out on your preferred social media platform by using the LinkTree below;

Connect with Guru - - All Information shared in this video is subjective and should not be taken as professional financial advice.*

Recommended Reading >> bit.ly/32kRpzw
